Special Interests Special Interest Tourism Nino May 2, 2022 Special interest tourism is the provision of customized tourism activities that caters to the specific interests of…
Top 10 Attractions The Sarajevo Haggadah Manuscript Nino Aug 16, 2017 The Sarajevo Haggadah represents an exquisite example of the medieval Hebrew illuminated and decorative art.
Special Interests Religious (Spiritual) Tourism Nino Dec 2, 2021 There are a few places on Earth where four of the main monotheistic religions meet and coexist, however…
Religion Catholic Attractions Nino May 3, 2017 Christianity arrived in Bosnia & Herzegovina during the 1st century. Saint Paul wrote in his Epistle to the…
Attractions Medjugorje Spiritual Pilgrimage Nino Jan 30, 2017 Spiritual Roman Catholic Medjugorje Pilgrimage Medjugorje, a small town located in Herzegovina, about 25 km from…
Religion Eastern (Serbian) Orthodox Attractions Nino May 3, 2017 The Eastern Orthodox Church is the most widespread Christian denomination in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Orthodox…
Religion Islamic Attractions Nino May 3, 2017 Islam was introduced to the local population in the 15th and 16th centuries as a result of the Ottoman conquest of…
Religion Jewish Attractions Nino Nov 23, 2017 The Bosnian Jews have a rich and varied history in this country that is more than 400 years old.