Religious (Spiritual) Tourism


There are a few places on Earth where four of the main monotheistic religions meet and coexist, however turbulently, in a small geographical area like it is the case in Bosnia & Herzegovina. The turbulent past has led to creation of an environment in which different religions co-exist, interact and complement each other. As a result, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Sarajevo as its capital city, it is possible to visit various religious shrines within a ten minute Walk: Muslim – Ghazi Husrev-Bey Mosque, Orthodox – Congregational Church, Catholic – the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, and the Jewish – Sarajevo synagogue.

If you are interested in exploring history, culture and architecture of one or any religion in general, there is much to be seen and experienced in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Contact your Bosnia4u specialist for more detailed info and quotes.

Links to individual religion sites on Bosnia4u:


Eastern (Serbian) Orthodox Christianity



Religious tourism…

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