Historic Bridges

There is a significant number of bridges in Bosnia & Herzegovina that are of particular historical, scenic, architectural or engineering interest, many are authentic architectural masterpieces, some of them on UNESCO’s World Heritage…

Catholic Attractions

Christianity arrived in Bosnia & Herzegovina during the 1st century. Saint Paul wrote in his Epistle to the Romans that he had brought the Gospel of Christ to Illyria. In 11th century Diocese of Bosnia was established, between 1060 and…

Medjugorje Spiritual Pilgrimage

Spiritual Roman Catholic Medjugorje Pilgrimage Medjugorje, a small town located in Herzegovina, about 25 km from Mostar, has been the site of a series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary - Our Lady of Medjugorje, since 1981. The name of…

Islamic Attractions

Islam was introduced to the local population in the 15th and 16th centuries as a result of the Ottoman conquest of Bosnia and Herzegovina.