Cultural Tourism


Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor’s essential motivation is to learn, discover, experience and consume the cultural attractions/products in a tourism destination. These attractions/products relate to material, intellectual, spiritual and emotional features of a society that encompasses arts and architecture, historical and cultural heritage, culinary heritage, literature, music, creative industries and the living cultures with their lifestyles, value systems, beliefs and traditions. According to a study conducted by World Tourism Organization, approximately 40% of the tourist trips to Bosnia & Herzegovina are based on cultural tourism.

Bosnia & Herzegovina provides ample opportunity for the activities described above. Its historic and cultural heritage spanning multiple historic eras, conflict periods and various cultures and religions, rich culinary heritage and multitude of cultural events make it a cultural tourist’s wonderland. In particular, Sarajevo offers enormous cultural tourism brand as a hit destination in the Balkans due to its charm, multiculturalism and cultural and historical heritage. Cultural tourism constitutes an increasingly important area.

Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the history has hosted different cultures like the Mediterranean, Roman, Ottoman and European and, as a mixture of the old and the new World, has many unique historical artifacts. From old monasteries, churches and mosques to bridges, castles/forts and mosques which reflect Ottoman architecture, medieval features have been well preserved in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Besides these, there are also architecture works from the period of Austro-Hungarian Empire. Every city in the country, especially Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and Bihać, bridges, mosques, churches, synagogue reflect this historical and cultural heritage.

Locating at the meeting point of different civilizations and cultures, the religious elements in Bosnia and Herzegovina have an important role in terms of religious tourism. Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which the Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, Judaism and Islam religions have coexisted throughout history, has been referred to as the Jerusalem of Europe. Because of the different religions and ethnic origins have been found in the country, it offers a chance to visit different kinds of religious figures and holy values by people with different preferences.

Bosnia & Herzegovina has an eclectic mix of Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Yugoslavian influences, and a disproportionate share of global historical events of great importance, from the Ottoman occupation, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand to the Siege of Sarajevo. You wouldn’t want to visit Sarajevo and Bosnia & Herzegovina without soaking up some of this history and culture. The best way to do it is to visit some of its museums. Museums in Bosnia & Herzegovina tell a colorful story of the rich and turbulent past of the country. 

And if all of the above does not meet your cultural tourism expectations, perhaps one of the numerous annual events will peak your attention. There are numerous events held year-round in the county, and the most visited ones are:

  • Baščaršija Nights, Sarajevo – The Nights of Baščaršija is the largest cultural event – summer festival devoted to culture held in Sarajevo. The Festival is held each year between July 1-31 with events held at various locations throughout Sarajevo. Every year, Baščaršija Nights offers top performances from the world of opera, ballet, and theater, as well as concerts, literary evenings, children’s programs and film screening.
  • Jazz Fest, Sarajevo – Jazz Fest Sarajevo is an annual celebration of contemporary, jazz and improvised music, since 1997. The week-long event features well-known jazz musicians from around the world but also invites new and prospective artists for performances in several venues around the city. The main objective of the Festival is the popularization and promotion of jazz and improvised music in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the festival’s inception, it has presented hundreds of musicians from 60 countries in more than 300 concerts.
  • Kozara Ethno Festival, Banja Luka – The international “Kozara Ethno” festival has been held since 2005 in Banja Luka, at the beginning of July. This festival through its few days duration, tells the story of people from Kozara. It shows how they used to live there back in the past. Their customs are a real attraction for tourists from everywhere. Kozara Ethno festival is open to visitors from all over the world, as an authentic experience in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The event presents different village activities such as mowing, harvesting, processing of textiles, cooking, weddings, and more. Many cultural events, including exhibitions and seminars, accompany the festivities.
  • Summer on Vrbas, Banja Luka – The traditional event ”Summer on Vrbas” is held in the second half of July under the walls of Kastel fortress in Bosnia’s most interesting city – Banja Luka. The main activities of the event are dayak and kayak racing boats, jumping from the City bridge, as well as performances of cultural, artistic and musical groups. It is the perfect combination of cultural pursuits with athletic events that make this event unique.
  • MESS Theater Festival, Sarajevo – MESS, which stands for Small Experimental Stage, offers theater and modern dance performances that are hand-selected from all Europe. This theatre festival takes place every October in Sarajevo and exists since 1960. Theatre and modern dance performances are chosen from all over Europe and performed in their original languages, sometimes with local language translation displayed above the stage.
  • Sarajevo Film Festival – Perhaps the most famous of all, Sarajevo Film Festival is an international film festival with a great focus on the region of South-East, shining an international spotlight on films, talent, and future projects from the region. The premier and the largest film festival in the Balkans region, Sarajevo Film Festival is also one of the largest in Europe and became the most honored festival in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Apart from the performances on the main stage, the regional shows and the ‘Panorama’, host some of the world’s best documentaries. This event is the best venue to get a taste of the works of some of southeast Europe’s best filmmakers.
  • Sarajevo Winter Festival – The longest-tenured and longest lasting of all Sarajevo festivals, the International winter festival of Sarajevo, lasting over two months, has become an inseparable part of the Bosnian capital city and a symbol of Bosnian cultural creativity. The festival is held between February and March every year with at least one event on the agenda daily. This is a festival that includes many genres of art. The performances include music concerts, contemporary art shows, sculpture exhibitions, modern dancing and cultural shows among various others.

Learn about Culture, Language and People of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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