Visit Sarajevo


Visit Sarajevo

Visit Sarajevo – Tourism Association of Canton Sarajevo was founded in early 2017 to best respond to the needs of development, preservation and protection of tourist and cultural values ​​in the Sarajevo Canton.

As tourism is currently the fastest growing industry, Visit Sarajevo strives to improve the tourist offer of the Canton, making Sarajevo one of the most desirable tourist destinations in Europe.

Accordingly, the activities of the Tourism Association of Canton Sarajevo include an analysis of the local and international market, planning and development of tourism in the Sarajevo Canton, preparation and organisation of events of importance for tourism, production, distribution and promotion of promotional material on tourist offer of the Sarajevo Canton, organisation and work of the network of tourist information centres, cooperation with all stakeholders involved in tourist offer in the Sarajevo Canton, and the promotion of the Sarajevo Canton at national and international tourism fairs.

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