Fast and Furious: New Road to Neum

From Stolac to Neum in 45 minutes. From web site

1,145 news web site writes:

The road from Stolac to Neum, a newly built highway, was recently opened by the federal prime minister, Fadil Novalić.

Until now, on the way to the only BiH city on the sea, let’s remind you, travelers had to suffer passing Svitava, an extremely bad section that was full of potholes and macadam, as well as a very narrow route on which, in order to pass, drivers had to even completely stop and even got off the road in order to allow the vehicles coming in the opposite direction.

The newly built road, 35 kilometers long, shortens the travel for one hour. There are two modern tunnels built according to the latest highway construction standards.

You can access the news article in Bosnian language here.

Watch the video of the new road on YouTube here.



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