Mostar – One of the Most Underrated European Cities

From CONDÉ NAST Traveler: Mostar among the most underrated European cities.


From CONDÉ NAST Traveler:

When it comes to European travel, popular cities like Paris and Rome tend to rise to the top of people’s itineraries. And while we wouldn’t dare tell travelers to skip some of the world’s most noteworthy cultural and culinary hubs, Europe is filled with surprising destinations that will far exceed your expectations—not only because you may never have considered them in the first place.

Need some examples? We tapped our network of travel specialists and European-based writers to pull together this list of the most underrated European cities, ranging from tiny towns in Sweden to lesser-known capitals in the Baltic states. They may take up fewer pages in your guidebooks than other hotspots, but you’ll find these cities have just as much natural beauty and must-visit attractions as their more famous counterparts.

Read on for 22 underrated European cities, selected by those who know the region best. Mostar is one of them.

Read the full article here.

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