Robert Dacešin Wins a Prestigious Award

Robert Dacešin wins an award for his short film "Why Bosnia & Herzegovina can be number 1 destination in the world".


Robert Dacešin Wins a Prestigious Award

Robert Dacešin wins an award for his short film “Why Bosnia & Herzegovina can be number 1 destination in the world”. On October 22, 2022, Robert posted the following on his LinkedIn profile: “My dear friends, after 20 days of voting, I want to inform you that the video on the topic “Why Bosnia and Herzegovina can be the number 1 tourist destination in the world” won the first place from the International Tourist Film Committee CIFFT and was voted the best tourist video in the world by people. Not only that! The video received 56,914 votes from 74 countries, which is the most in the history of this contest. I really have no words. The official award ceremony will take place on November 24. in Valencia, Spain and I will be proud to represent my country there.”

Thanks to Robert Dacešin, Bosnia & Herzegovina is getting the recognition it deserves as an upcoming travel destination. Thank you, Robert!

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